Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Inspiration will strike at the weirdest moments, often the most inoppurtune. However, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing...just aggravating.
I especially hate when a random idea pops in my head during a test, those are fun. I'd rather the little light bulb above my head click on whenever I'm able to just sit and write for hours, which is why I post so many blogs on the weekends. I have the time to just sit and let the words flow from fingers. Unlike right now, when it's after eleven p.m. and I have class in the morning.
I do love it when people inspire me though, it often makes for a great blog. Sammi, Taylor, Megan, and Jacob tend to be those people who inspire me to write most often, especially Sammi and Jacob. The three of us will be living together in about a year or so, and I can already tell that I'm going to have some crazy blogs about our adventures. Seeing as Jacob and I will be sharing a room so my dear twin can have her space, it's going to be very interesting. I really hope that there are people willing to bail me out of jail for violence, becase I have a feeling that I'm going to attempt to strangle the poor boy at some point.
I'm already excited, Sam and I have decided on Brentwood Apartments in Conway, we're going to take Jacob out there at some point, but I'm not sure when, seeing as the boy is always busy. We've decided on a two bedroom one as well, Sam will have her own room for personal reasons, and I'll share the other with Jacob. We're still working on the plans though, Jacob and I are already arguing about our room. It's going to be great. Furniture shopping is going to be fun too...Sammi wants vintage furniture, and Jacob doesn't. I don't really care to be honest.
Even though all this is a year away, I'm still jumping up and down with excitement. I'll get to live with two of my best friends, two people I don't get to see very often right now. Spending weekends in Conway with Sammi is fun and all, but living with her? I have feeling that our poor neighbors are going to hate us, especially with Jacob.
The three of us together...we're like a bomb waiting to explode.
We as trio, we're like dynamite. I pity our future neighbors.
HOWEVER, I'm so excited that I don't even care about that right now. I just want to focus on getting through one year in Russellville, one year at Arkansas Tech.
One year. So close, yet so far...

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! My name is Sarah and I have nominated you for the Liebster Award!! This is basically an award to help bloggers discover other blogs. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it. You can also look at my Liebster Award post if you’d like to participate:
